Incident Report


An Incident Report MUST be filled out anytime there is an accident on the Pines premise that has caused any damage to the Pines property or has resulted in any injury or potential injury to any persons, including staff. This may include physical fights, property damage, vandalism, verbal conflicts, vehicular accidents, medical issues, emergencies, or other noteworthy incidents. The Pines staff on duty must fill out an incident report immediately following the incident. If emergency services are called to the property, the Director of Events must be notified immediately.

  1. Fill out the top of the form with the incident information. 
  2. Interview witnesses, and parties involved to draft a detailed description of the event. This must include;
    • Information regarding the events leading up to the incident.
    • A detailed description of the incident.
    • Note any follow-up action needed, if follow-up is needed, please notify the Pines Administrative Team.
    • Note any injuries or emergency services that were needed.
    • Include detailed information regarding any visible damage to the Pines facilities, and take pictures to send to the Pines Administrative Team.
  3. Write a detailed description on the incident report form using testimonies of witnesses and details from step #3.
  4. Record names, roles, and contact information of witnesses and involved parties.
  5. Have each witness read the description. Ask each witness to sign below their contact information. This signature can be explained as “simply confirms they have read the description of the incident and that we can contact them if we have further questions about the matter”.
  6. Record your name and signature as the Pines Staff witness.
  7. Notify the Pines Administrative Team of the incident upon completion of the report. Include a copy of the incident report via phone and or email.

Incident Report

Incident Report

An Accident / Incident Report MUST be filled out anytime there is an accident on premise that has caused ANY damage to the Pines Property, injury, or potential injury to any persons. This may include physical fights, property damage, vandalism, verbal conflicts, vehicular accidents, medical issues, emergencies, or other noteworthy incidents. The Pines staff on duty must fill out an incident report immediately following the incident.
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